Stop The Spread Of Antibiotic Resistance By Using Probiotics:
(Healthy Gut; Healthy Animal)
Effective functionality of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and its health, are important factors in determining animal performance. Several, complex mechanisms are involved in the regulation of GIT functionality and health, therefore it is crucial to deepen our knowledge of these interactions so that strategies for the modulation of GIT functionality and health, in context of improved animal performance, can be developed. This objective is achieved by using beneficial microbes and probiotic products to improve animal health and nutrition. BIO health solution animal department carries out research in the fields of probiotics for low-input and organic and farming without antibiotics as grow stimulating and disease preventing by focus on diet, effective structure and function of the gastrointestinal barrier, host interaction with the gastrointestinal microbiota, effective digestion and absorption of feed and effective immune status. Our department is small enough to care, and our people are big enough to make a difference.
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