Orius laevigatus
1000 nymphs and adults of Orius laevigatus
Before use, shake the bottle gently and horizontally for a few seconds to mix the contents, constantly. Then, sprinkle the contents of the bottle locally on the leaf surface in the greenhouse according to the table below. The preharvest interval for chemical pesticides should be considered at the time of application.
Each bottle of PredaS® contains over 1000 nymphs and adults of O. laevigatus mixed with sawdust and vermiculite as carriers and sufficient supply of Ephestia kuehniella eggs and pollen as food. Nymphs are cream to light brown and adults are black. Each nymph kills over 50 thrips larvae during its 12-day life cycle and each adult can hunt up to 20 thrips larvae, per day.
The bottle contains 1000 nymphs and adults of O. laevigatus
Use as soon as possible after receipt. Otherwise, store the bottle horizontally (lying down) at 10-15°C and high relative humidity for up to two days after receipt.
No. 142/41 West 8th St. Goldasht. Karaj-IRAN
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