Bacillus velezensis
Bacillus velezensis 108 CFU/ml
Seed treatment: At sowing time, mix the recommended dose with 100 kg of seed according to the type and size of seed: 1-2 L/100 kg of large seeds, 2-3 L/100 kg of medium seeds, 3-4 L/100 kg of small seeds.
Germinated seeds inoculation: After germination of seeds (especially rice), dissolve 1 L of Probio 96® in the corresponding amount of water and soak 1 ha of germinated seeds in the solution.
Seedling and sapling treatment: Dilute Probio 96® at 3 L/100 L of water and dip seedlings of 1 ha before transplanting for 15 min or water the seedlings while they are in the trays before transplanting.
Irrigation water: Apply Probio 96® at planting at 3-4 L/ha for drip irrigation and 6 L/ha for sprinkler or pivot irrigation. Repeat application four to six weeks later to cover 1 ha of field, garden or greenhouse.
Winter fertilization: Dissolve 1 L of Probio 96® in 50 L of water and pour 1 L into the holes (30 × 40 cm) made in the tree shader with 3 kg of fully decomposed manure.
Probio 96® is a biological fertilizer-fungicide specifically designed to convert inorganic P into plant-available forms, produce siderophores, plant hormones, and most importantly, a wide range of anti-stress and antifungal metabolites. Probio 96® could protect and preserve plants against biotic (including root and crown rot pathogens and damping off diseases) and abiotic stresses (drought, soil and water salinity, temperature variations). Probio 96® as a biofertilizer and biofungicide for seed treatment in wheat fields of some provinces in Iran (East Azerbaijan, Lorestan, Kurdistan, Golestan, Markazi, and Kermanshah) resulted in a 47% increase in wheat yield.
1 L liquid bottle
1 year in dry conditions and room temperature
No. 142/41 West 8th St. Goldasht. Karaj-IRAN
©2022 biorun